Booking Inquiry

Speaking Fees - Flat Rate
  • Speaker - 1 hour - $ 1000.00
  • ½ day workshop - 4 hours - $ 2500.00

Customized Workshops
Workshops are Customization to your needs.

  • What are your Needs?
  • What are your Goals?
  • What Results are looking for?
  • What are your Strategic Plans? 

Presentations Available
  • Etiquette at Work (employees)
  • Mentoring (high school/college students)
  • You Set Your Own Destiny (high school/college students)
  • The Beauty of A Woman (18-grown folks)
  • Poetry/Creative Writing (all ages)
  • Etiquette at Work
  • It’s all about success!

Etiquette at Work
Employees occasionally have a need for trainings on how to perform while at work. The Etiquette at Work presentation is an appropriate tool as any other improvement training session offered to employees. The Etiquette at Work presentation was created to assist long-time employees who have become fatigued with work and the workshop is a tool for those just beginning with an organization. 
You Set Your Own Destiny Workshop
The immediate goal from “You Set Your Own Destiny” workshop is to introduce students to self -empowerment and ownership of their life possibilities. Once students are given the tools and the information; they will feel more in control of their own lives with appreciation. Many students of color have been at an economic and social disadvantage. The more social and emotional support given will able a stronger community.
THE BEAUTY OF THE WOMAN lecture is to reintroduce women to self-empowerment and the beauty of their lives. Once women hear the positive words they will feel more appreciation of who they are. The empowerment that the women receive will assist with life success.



Yes, You Do!