Monday, March 21, 2016

I have a Choice.  

No matter what someone else says or does. 

I Am still optimistic.

Friday, March 4, 2016


Homelessness is a difficult life

It’s a bit cold outside
While other days it’s too hot
Layered clothes to keep warm at night - when cold
Layered in the day - to store - until it’s cold outdoors
No shelter to live
No place to store life-items
Too many to count in one place
Tents of all kinds
Or - Just sleeping bags - if privileged
Despite - it all
Smiles and laughs are throughout the day
But tears and fears are part of the day as well
Homelessness is a difficult life
Move-out - they say
Where to go? - But that is part of the day
Moving - again and again
Bikes-carts-buggies-it’s all the same
No place for life- items
Yes – some may use drugs just to help the days move along
Mothers-fathers-brothers-sister-uncles-aunts-cousins and friends
Living on the streets - Alone
Alone with others – that are seen as family within the outdoors
Homelessness is a difficult life.

Yes, You Do!